Liliana Grace Media

Your partners in strategic growth

Your Customers

Your Neighborhood


If it is digital….

If you can dream it up….

Chance are….


Increase your Digital Footprint and Build Your Brand

Video Advertising

Video Creation

Website Design

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Marketing / PPC

And More….

Digital marketing allows you to direct your advertising dollars very specifically and strategically to the exact persona you desire.  

Your customized campaign is placed using a variety of strategies across all platforms covering 98% of the internet even spanning across connected TV and digital radio platforms.  

Customization and consistent monitoring is key for the effectiveness and our team is hands on every step of the way.

Our campaigns drive above average site traffic.

 You can target the right user, at the right time, with the right message nearly anywhere online and across all devices that are connecting to the web.  Whether you want to launch a cutting-edge digital or video campaign we have the right comprehensive solution to help you achieve your goals.

 We provide a wide range of targeting parameters to help you:

  • Increase traffic to your website or traffic to specific landing pages

  • Acquire client data through mobile marketing

  • Increase click-based and view-based conversions online

  • Generate qualified leads, increase online purchases, downloads, new account registration, and much more

  • Detailed reporting and live dashboards for tracking your marketing

Site Retargeting: Site Retargeting helps you to recapture the interest of potential customers after they leave your website. Research shows that Site Retargeting can improve click-through rates by up to 400%.

Contextual Targeting:   Contextually targeted ads offer useful information to readers, and attract an audience interested in your message. 

Contextual Keyword Targeting:   Through Contextual Keyword Targeting, we can create an individualized keyword list that guarantees ads reach your advertisers audience as they read related content. 

Channel Targeting:  Our technology matches the theme of thousands of websites to the appropriate channels you select.

Behavioral Targeting:  Similar to Site Content targeting, this solution helps you to display your ads to predefined user segments across the Internet. 

Third Party Data:  Third Party providers, collect data about who and what consumers purchase that we can incorporate into target particular segments of your desired audience. 

Search Retargeting:  Reach and attract new customers who have never been to your website.   This solution gives you the efficiency of search engine marketing with the reach of display.  Now you can target in-market customers who are conducting specific searches on your keyword lists across major search engines including Google, Bing and Yahoo!

Geographic Targeting: Enables you to serve ads only to users in specific international, national, regional, DMA locations all the way down to zip codes.

Language Browser Targeting:  Target your ads to specific language browsers.

Specific Location Current and Past Targeting:  Utilizing a virtual perimeter around a real-world geographic location we can target individuals in real time as well as go back to a set time, identify audiences and connect with them future forward  

IP Targeting:  Is the method of determining the geolocation of a website visitor and delivering different content to that visitor based on his or her ip address, isp, or domain. 

CRM & Database Targeting:  We can serve ads to a list people in a particular database.  This an excellent way to target a particular group of people found on a database.  

Social Media Marketing:  You Tube, Facebook, IG, Twitter, Snap Chat, GMB

Pre-Roll Video:  A pre-roll ad is a promotional video message that plays online.   The video advertisements are often repurposed television ads, 15 seconds or 30-second standard ads.  Pre-roll provides an excellent opportunity for advertisers to brand themselves.

Pre-Roll Retargeting: Pre-Roll Retargeting helps you to recapture the interest of potential customers after they leave your website. 

Native Advertising:  We can deliver paid ads that are so cohesive with the page content, assimilated into the design, and consistent with the platform behavior that the viewer simply feels that they belong.  In the days of newspaper this was called "advertorials"  

 And We Could Go On….

There are SO MANY ways to help you connect with and track your next best client.

 Please contact us for more information about tactics, pricing and how to attract consumers to your business through a comprehensive strategy leveraging digital and video marketing.